Brendan Shean
Brendan graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Arizona in 2003 with a quadruple major in Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Mr. Shean continued his education at Brown studying computational linguistics thru 2006 before leaving shortly into his second year to pursue an opportunity to work in a quantitative finance start-up focusing on using machine learning analytics applied to derivatives pricing. Over the past two years Brendan has been working full-time for 451 Degrees and is responsible for analytics, database management, and the overall web development behind Graffiti. Brendan has known Pat since birth, yep the very first day.
Brendan enjoys craft beers and the desert heat – together with a competitive Ultimate Frisbee game with his team Barrio, there is no better combination. Recently, Barrio achieved some success as they qualified for Nationals. They got slaughtered but Mr. Shean came back stronger despite the tears in his eyes after realizing the scope of defeat. Brendan cares deeply about his role on the Barrio team and although he is currently a bench player he aspires to achieve a much more active role in future matches.